We Get Government

Case Management Solutions Trusted by 80% of Federal Agencies

For 30+ years, OPEXUS has partnered with federal agencies to manage cases efficiently, provide actionable insights to stakeholders, and ensure mission critical tasks can be carried out hassle-free.

Who We Support

Federal Product Offerings

Open Government

Our FOIAXpress application empowers open government professionals to process requests more efficiently and accurately, reducing backlogs, lowering risk of litigation, and improving day to day operations.

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Audit and Investigation

Our Audit and Investigations applications allow Offices of Inspector General and law enforcement agencies to operate more efficiently with case management tools built to be auditor and agent friendly, ensuring critical information is properly documented and cases are progressing at the right pace.

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Workforce Management

Our Workforce Management applications go deep into highly regulated government HR processes, empowering staff to navigate an influx of employee requests, manage labor relations, and more with compliance assured. This reduces siloes, streamlines workflows, and helps staff run as efficiently as possible.

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Contract Management

Our Contracts solution enables contracting professionals to simplify document filing and retrieval, while ensuring compliance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and their organization’s unique workflows.

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What Our Customers Say

“Our team found both the internal templates, and the various reporting options, very useful in simplifying our processes and in sharing information both within the NRC and externally. These features increased our efficiencies by approximately 75%.”

- Government Information ​ Specialist, NRC​
Nuclear Regulatory Commission


With OPEXUS, federal agencies can seamlessly enhance case management processes through an end-to-end, built for government platform. From FOIA requests to audits and investigations, and workforce management processes, we are the middle office’s trusted partner.

Built for Government

Our solutions are built exclusively for government agencies and are designed to meet complex compliance standards and changing legislation. Our solutions have everything you need as a government employee without the extraneous features offered by private sector solutions.

Security at its Core

We believe security should be at the forefront of everything we do. That’s why we are FedRAMP certified, the hallmark of security compliance in cloud solutions. Rest easy knowing your data is in safe hands.

Configure, Don’t Code

OPEXUS empowers users to build and modify case management applications in a fraction of the time with no custom development required.

Building Community

Located in the heart of Washington, D.C., just a few blocks away from the White House, OPEXUS prides itself on building community. With ample events, user groups, and opportunities for involvement, our customers share best practices and generate ideas on how we can continuously innovate to make our solutions even more beneficial.

Get Started with OPEXUS

Legacies aren't built on legacy systems. See streamlined government process management in action.

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