A secure public-facing web portal that connects agencies with requesters

The ATIPXpress® Public Access Link (PAL) fosters greater citizen engagement and transparency. PAL allows requesters to submit ATIP requests directly to the agency, providing ATIP tracking status of requests by both parties, improving citizen engagement.


Greater transparency and better citizen engagement.

PAL is an online portal that allows requesters to submit ATIP requests directly to the agency. Requesters can submit requests, check the status of their request, view documents released to the reading room, submit payment for their ATIP requests and more.

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Improved experiences

Post and curate public documents online and offer 24/7 accessibility.

Faster processing

Deliver a digital experience for both requester and reviewer from inquiry to delivery that reduces downtime and delays.

Ensured compliance

Meet federal guidelines to increase use of digital tools and provide a centralized web portal.

Detailed reports

Analyze a variety of reports detailing data source statistics.


Enhanced functionality & collaboration from inquiry to delivery.

The ATIPXpress Public Access Link features a public website, secure requester portal, electronic reading room, secure document delivery, automatic ATIP tracking for each case, and comprehensive dashboards to ensure requestors experience a smooth process start to finish.

ATIP tracking PAL screenshot
ATIP tracking PAL screenshot
ATIP tracking PAL screenshot
ATIP tracking PAL screenshot
ATIP tracking PAL screenshot
Public Website

Connect with citizens using a public-facing website that integrates seamlessly with your agency identity and comes configured with features that support your mission.

Secure Requester Portal

A personalized portal with unique logins to submit requests or appeals, track status, communicate, and receive records for download.

Automatic Case Tracking

Receive immediate request and case set-up receipt for ATIP tracking upon completion of data entry.

Electronic Reading Room

Post frequently requested documents online for easy access and increased transparency.

Secure Document Delivery

Deliver responsive records for a requestor’s private reading without file-size restrictions.


Review real-time data on program statistics with interactive dashboards.


Drive operational excellence in government.

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Legacies aren't built on legacy systems. See streamlined government process management in action.

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