Reports & Guides

Three Challenges Public Records Programs Face in State and Local Government

#FOIA, #State, Local, Education (SLED)

State, local, and education agencies face a myriad of challenges, from limited budgets to talent shortages, exacerbating concerns over service delivery and cybersecurity. Unlike their federal counterparts, state and local agencies operate with fewer resources, amplifying the risks of poor customer service in government and increased cyber threats.

There are a number of challenges specific to public records programs in state and local agencies.

Public Records Program Challenges Facing State and Local Agencies:

  1. Increased Citizen Demand: With residents increasingly engaged in local affairs, state and local agencies face a surge in information requests, particularly concerning elections and education.
  2. Rising Cyber Threats: Cyber attackers are targeting state and local departments perceived as vulnerable, shifting focus away from national targets.
  3. Complex Information Requests: State and local agencies grapple with a growing array of complex information requests, heightening the risk of legal repercussions and fines.

The Imperative of Citizen-Centered Service

Failure to prioritize citizen-centered customer experience (CX) leaves state and local agencies vulnerable to service shortcomings, undermining their crucial role in providing transparent and accountable governance.

Explore the underlying implications of these pressing challenges and discover actionable strategies to bolster service quality and transparency.

Equip your agency with insights and solutions to navigate the evolving landscape of state and local governance effectively. Optimize service delivery, fortify cybersecurity, and enhance transparency to meet the needs of the communities you serve.

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